Genuine faith is expressed in sincere love for God and Our neighbors. In Mathew 25:40 says that doing good to "one of the least of these Brothers of mine was something you did for me".A concern for the social issues is born out our desire to love God that translates love for neighbors.
It is a daunting task to aid those in desperate need of proper care especially people who are unable to look after themselves and abandoned and rejected by their family members.Gilgal Aswasa Bhavan, as a group of like minded brethren who desire to pool together their mind and resources to help those who are in thier need of food, shelter, care, concern and fellowship, looked after and cared these people in all aspects of mental, physical, and spiritual rehabilitation. We are focused to release those with differently disabled, affirming the dignity, worth and unique purpose of human being. Presently nearly 350 members are being accomodated here and 60 dedicated staff are serving them.

We are committed to cater the needs of old aged, mentally challenged, and physically handicapped under the active leadership of Pr.Jacob Joseph. We ask your holistic support in sowing the seeds of hope and help towards these ministries.
Old Age Care Center
Due to modernization and industrialization the traditional bond relationship between family member are disintegrating. There are many elderly people not cared for and cast out of their houses. They end up in despair and agony. Who knows tomorrow we will not be victim of such situation.
Gilgal Ashwasa Bhavan is actively planned to open up a large wing to cater to this kind of situation. For its fulfillment we appeal for your wholehearted support. Our Home caters to meet the needs of the elderly people those who abandoned by their own children and family members, moreover, we provide shelter to homeless and indigent senior citizens, especially those with mental health issues, with the consent and recommendations of their officials and the society.
Here the people above 60 years, who are capable of doing activities of daily living and chores, are resided under this care unit. We have separate apartments for both genders who come under this category.

Alzheimer's Care
Gilgal Ashwasa Bhavan provides care and shelter to those elderly parents suffering from Dementia/Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases who are left alone with no one to take care of them.
Such people suffering from such diseases need the services of dedicated, patient, fully committed and resolved people to take care of them and look after them properly.

Pain and Palliative Care
Gilgal Ashwasa Bhavan provides care and shelter to those people who can only see imminent death awaiting them are given care and comfort in order to revive them or prolong their life span as they are at the risk of dying from contagious diseases.

Psychiatric Care Centre
Mental illness in recent times is an increasing phenomena. There are lots of unhealthy and undesirable treatment Practices still prevailing in our country. Often they are subject to cruelty of being beaten up, tied up in chains, or otherwise locked in tiny rooms. Some time their family members abandon them causing them to be a public nuisance.One of the most heart-rending sights on our streets: the mentally-ill roadside destitute, living off the streets but the society doesn't come forward to help them. Various superstitious beliefs are attached to mental illness Patients have no where to go to and thus need a helping hand (therapeutic treatment) that will restore them back in their normal life. Unfortunately, though charitable organizations exist which deal with the plight of destitutes in general, they are invariably reluctant to accept mentally ill destitutes, possibly because of an inherent fear of mental illness, and perhaps the fear that taking in a mentally ill patient may result in injury to the other inmates and staff and possibly because of an absence of readily available services of trained professionals from the psychiatric fields. We in Gilgal Aswasa Bhavan Provides institutional care for those mentally deranged by giving proper care and medication.